April 11, 1864

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I Leave My home


April The 19. 1864

Orange County Camp Near Orange. C.H. Virginia

My Dear Wife

         I imbrace the presant oppotunity to answer your most kind and ever welcome letter that I received the 18 of the presant month.  which give me the greatest of pleasure to hear from you and the children and to hear that you were well but I am sorry to hear that my poor little baby is sick but I hope he will soon get well again.  This leaves me well at presant.  and sincerely hope when this reached you it may find you and the children in good helth and doing well.  my Dear you must not work so hard and fatig your self so much you will make your self sick and then what will you do. noboddy to help you to do any thing. So my dear please try and take all the care of your self you possibly can for my sake & for you sake & for the sake of our poor little children.  you speak of having some pruty flowers for me to look at when the sunny South is free and fighting is no more.  my Dear mag if it is the lords will that I am spard to return home in peace & quietness again. to live the remainder of my days with you & the children.  I feel like it will be the happest time we ever have spent togeather.  But when I Think of the hard fighting we have got to go thrugh This summer campain.  it makes me feel low spirited.  But it wont do to be so low spirited.  I believ it is the best way to chear up.  and trust in our great Captain who can give the victory to whom he sees propper to give it to.  you have heard before this time that it was not Alvardo Jett that was shot. it was mr. Samuel Dent that was shot in our company.  & mr. Allen of company G of our regt.  and mr. Matheres of the 55 Virginia regt.  I am sorry to hear that you got fooled out. of your potatos But I think mr jett must have kept them for you untill you come for them.  I supose you have not planted any potatoes yet.  as you mist geting them from mr jett.  have you commenced gardning yet or no.  how is my plant bed coming on or did any of them come up.  you say you have sent 100 & 10 $ that makes 2 hundred & Sixty he has got now.  if he exchanges this month taking off the discount it leaves one hundred seventy three dollars & thirty-two cts.  I am sorry you could not get any flower. I am glad you have got your fish oh how I wish I was home with you to have put them up for you how did you make out for Salt to Salt them.  Tell mr Schooller I verry mutch oblige to him for the fish without the money but the price is auful high. but he ought to be ashamed of him self to ask a solders wife 300 $ for 1 thousand herrings.   and as for green back how am I to get it and silver has plaid out.  Tell Becca & Sally I am sorry that they have such a bad opinion of me.  to think that I would try to make against the boys.  If they thought so they ought not to have told you to hurt your fealings.  Tell them I am clear of that.  The reason that it was don was that 2 others in the company had furlough & they could not leave to go home on them untill the boys come back or were reported as deserters and Capt Green had comand of the regt at that time and he sent orders around to report evry man that had staid over his time capt Brooke told me the same.  but the next day he sent another order to report them absent without leaf.  it was not my falt they were reported it was the officers falt.  and I hope you will not hear any talk about the yankees being in Stafford again soon we are looking for a move evry day  They took our tents a way from us yesterday we have nothing but little tents flies?  I have no news of any. importance to write to you so I will come to a close give my respects to all enquiring friends and keep a good potion for your self and children.  no more but ever remain your affectionate husband untill death so good by my dear untill we meet in person or by pen.       

John. W. Watson.


At top of page - Pleas write soon and often


