County Va. January the 23, 1864
Camp Near
Dear Wife
I take the presant oppotunity to drop you a few
lines to let you know that
am well at presant and hope when this reaches you it may find you & the
children enjoying the same blesing. C.
(Charles) W. Schooler has gotten a furlough and is going to Start
home in the morning and says he will take this note to you and it is now dark
and I have no candle and I am writing by fire light & a verry dul one at that we are just about done fixing up
our winter quarters. mr Fox and myself are tolerable well fixed
and are living like fitting cocks. we
get milk & bread & cabbage & from the neighbours and
have our washing done. there are no one
else in our tent but mr Fox & my self.
You must write soon and often for I would be glad to get a letter evry
week from some of my dear friends. you
must give my best respects to Farther & mother and all the family and tell
them to write soon. you must excuse
this badly
writen letter for I will try and do better nextime. give my love to all inquiring friends and keep a potion for your self. it is molasses that we ca11 soggum. I will now close by remaining your kind and affectionate husband untill death J. W. Watson
H C Fox sengs his love to you and all inquiring friends